“Dragon Fly Fairy & Cosmo Kitty”
This project design took my breath away!
It started with my three year old daughter wanting to help me. I said okay Julia you can tell me what color you want her hair to be! She said Red! It progressed all the way down to her little black shoes. After I had totally colored our design I thought maybe I should do a wash around her! Ooh big mistake I managed to really make a mess of the back ground. So I called on my little helper and explained the problem. She said “That okay Mommy we can just make another background” I thought long and hard on that one! Then it hit me yes she is right we can. I told Julia what we have to do is totally cut her out with scissors then place her on another background! It was a tedious job getting every little strand of hair and whisker cut. My exacto knife came in real handy! I called to Julia when I had finished and said okay I need you to pick out the background. She was very excited and proceeded to look though 50 scrap booking sheets! I am not kidding you she manage to only find four! Then I told her out of these four which do you like best and all I can say is the end is history! I was so impressed that I truly feel I could have not finished the project with out her! It is a design created by Mommy and Daughter!
The original is up for auction on E-bay and will be signed by both artist!
I hope you like my newest creation.
You can find it at
My Ebay
1 comment:
I love your art. U make it look very easy and magical. I'm also doing fairy folk art. Its an obsession, isnt it!? :) www.loralai.com.
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