I joined NibbleFest Art Contest today, though I found out that I missed the date to post a proper entry for the January theme by a couple of days. January's theme was "Combine two animals into one," and since I was working on a detailed Utahraptor for one of my swap cards, the Tyrannorooster Rex just popped out!
This huge, deadly yet ludicrous creature is definitely one of a kind, the little white hen is fluttering away as fast as she can from this goofy yet dangerous boaster! I loved the colors and put a lot of detail into his pointillist scaly hide, while using my Pitt Artist Pens in brush swoops for his fantastic tail. It tempts me to do a serious rooster Asian style with them sometime.
But I was getting too serious and just had to do something wonderful and silly. It's posted for auction at
ACEO NFAC Tyrannorooster on eBay, starting at 99 cents... and whatever the February theme is, I know I'll do these challenges again. It was too much fun doing this one. He has one bid already from a friend, several of whose ACEOs I've bought in the past.
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